$100,000 in Grants to Non-Profit Partners Following Metallica’s Visit to St. Louis
NOVEMBER 6, 2023
Metallica’s St. Louis Takeover was capped with $100,000 in grants to three organizations doing vital work in the Gateway City and beyond: St. Louis Area Foodbank, The Women's Safe House, and The Farmlink Project. With the help of fans who attended the No Repeat Weekend at the Dome at America’s Center, three organizations received support from Metallica, All Within My Hands, and the fans.

St. Louis Area Foodbank is building a stronger bi-state region by nourishing people, empowering communities, and transforming systems. With the dedicated partnership of over 600 hunger relief programs and local agencies – including soup kitchens, food pantries, shelters, and residential programs – St. Louis Area Foodbank is responding to hunger in communities across 26 counties in Missouri and Illinois by distributing food to hundreds of thousands of people each year. With this M72 World Tour stop, Metallica fans filled the food distribution center to volunteer their time and pack 21,533 meals worth of food! We are proud to continue our efforts in the fight against hunger with such dedicated partners. St. Louis Area Foodbank is receiving $35,000.

The Women's Safe House is the oldest and largest organization in the St. Louis area dedicated to helping women and children impacted by domestic abuse. With free and confidential services, The Women’s Safe House is dedicated to empowering women and families to rebuild their lives free of domestic and sexual abuse through emergency services, education, and advocacy. Open 24 hours a day, 365 days per year, it serves approximately 400-600 women and children annually, is one of the few residential programs that accept male children 12-18 years of age, and is the only shelter in the state of Missouri to offer a twelve-month AfterCare program. The Women's Safe House is receiving $35,000.

The Farmlink Project is a national organization fighting for a world where everyone has access to the food they need. They work to connect farmers to food banks, delivering millions of pounds of farm fresh produce that would otherwise be wasted to feed families in need. Through their network of volunteers, partners, and staff, over 100,000 lbs. of food have been moved, 153,825 tons of CO2 emissions have been prevented, and 83,000,000 meals have been delivered. They are joining us on every US stop this year to connect M72 catering to local organizations that can use the surplus food, ensuring we do not contribute further to the nation’s food waste problem. The Farmlink Project is receiving a $30,000 grant to continue its work across the US.